Sunday, June 26, 2011

I left San Francisco!!

I love that old song about leaving your heart in San Francisco.  However, I didn't leave my heart.  My Soulmate Thomas came with me and together we shared some adventures and made memories.
We went into this vacation with a pact, to eat foods for quality not for quantity.  We shared many yummy meals and didn't act as "food police" with each other.  I enjoyed tasting the foods and not feeling the need to fill up on the foods.  I found I wasn't living to eat, but rather eating to live.  
Wine tasting was fun and filled with knowledge.  I learned about what ones I prefer and how what is eaten with the food effects how it tastes.
We followed that up with a HUGE Chinese meal with 7 entrees I believe.  I just know I ate a lot of food, but refrained from stuffing myself.  Yummy little bites of great food was enough for me.  

The whole scene in San Francisco was AWESOME to see.  We even went on the CalTrain and the Muni as well as a cable car.  I took over 600 pictures alone.  I loved seeing the Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay Bridge.  The housing was unreal.  I don't think I could live that close to my neighbors.  I'm spoiled here in the midwest.  My neighbors are at least 10 feet away.  
I admit I did come back a few pounds up from my lowest which I hit the morning we left.  I did go workout Friday, we got back Thursday at 11 p.m. and I had to get to gym by 8:30 a.m. for my training.  Oh my gosh I was so not into working out.  I hadn't hit the workout room once while on vacation.  That workout room was terrible.  1 eliptical, 1 treadmill, 1 bike and a lone workout ball with a scale to round things out. YUCK!
I'm back on track and focused on finishing this marathon I began..... at birth it seems.
Wine tasting with my Soulmate, Thomas, at Jessup Cellars
I'm thrilled that we were able to take this amazing trip at this time in our lives. I just don't want to be this weight on our next vacation.  I know I will reach my goal and it will feel great to accomplish!!
Set your own goal and put the plan in place to attain it before a specific time in your life.  Be it a BIG birthday milestone or before you go someplace amazing.  You too can reach your goals you just need to keep focused and not let slip ups completely sidetrack you.  Falling down doesn't mean you never get back up.
Hang in there and don't leave your heart anywhere!!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

What do you do at the gym??

Today I wasn't feeling too into working out, but after eating the chocolate crack I knew I needed to kick my own butt.
I did as many errands as I could get done to put off going too early.  It seems that Sunday mornings people skip church and go workout.  
I parked my butt on the recumbent bike and started peddling.  Upset that I forgot my earbuds, so I had no tunes to listen to, I settled in to people watch.  I saw an older guy I have seen there a lot.  He seems to almost live there. SO... I watched him.  He got on a machine and "camped" (you know the ones who get on a machine and hog it for 5-10 minutes without getting off it). He pushed 2-4 times then rested for 1-2 minutes and pushed a few more times. Then went to camp on another machine, he did this for about 4 machines. It was hilarious to watch him so I looked at a few others. I hope none of them are reading this, but I won't say what time I was at the gym nor which one I went to.  
   I watched a woman around my size as she went from the treadmill to the weight machines.  I wanted to ask her if she'd thought about getting a trainer.  I find that having Christine kick my butt 30 minutes a session keeps me motivated to keep pushing forward.  She seemed to know how to use the machines, but didn't have the knowledge to give herself a proper workout session.  Is that mean that I was watching her?  I'm sure I was being watched as I huffed and puffed thru the sets. I wanted to talk to her, but didn't.  If I see her again I will.  I know that trainers can be shared and I'd share mine if someone else wanted to be beat up right along with me. Which reminds me, CHRISTINA D., you need to join me Friday mornings again!  
  I now appreciate what guys do at the gym to strengthen their arms and abs. It's hard frickin work to build muscles and be disciplined enough to keep at it day after day.  I was doing my bicep curls in the weight room and there was a guy in his 20's lifting weights and they were HEAVY.  He was huffing and puffing too so I knew he was working his muscles hard.  His "girlfriend"? came over to talk to him then left and he went back to working out.  I saw her later stretching and almost said "I hope you appreciate how hard he's working to look good for you", but maybe he was just wanting to beat the guys off her when they came sniffing around.  
I don't get all dolled up or primp to look sexy when I go workout. I put my hair in a ponytail and wear jogging pants and a t shirt that I try to get sweaty.  I do take off my wedding ring.  If you've seen it you know I don't want to lose it or wreck it in any way. It tends to cut into my hand and I've developed a callous so I leave it at home now.  I joke that I'm "Single" when I work out now. 

I've had only one guy try to talk to me when I've worked out.  I chuckle to think of a chubby middle aged woman being hit on in a gym.  I let the "barbie" dolls get all prettied up for working out.  I'm there to sweat and breath like I'm going to have a heart attack from my workouts, not get a date.  Do you know of anyone who got  a date at the gym?
If you happen to be blessed with a great metabolism Thank God for it!!  If you have a lazy metabolism like me you have to work at maintaining or losing weight.  I find I do really well all week only to go right back up on the weekends. I know how to maintain this weight. HOWEVER, I want to lose some weight before I begin maintaining it.
The best part of my day was going to Lane Bryant and trying on a few pairs of pants. I picked a pair of the "Right Fit" jeans in the curvy shape.  I grabbed a pair of the size I had on and the next size down because I find pants fit different depending on brand and shape/fit.  I got into a size down from what I was wearing and was thrilled.  I tried on a skirt and loved how it looked so grabbed a few shirts to go with it. Now I have a few pair of jeans to get me thru to the next size down.  I had lost 50 pounds in 2008 while on Atkin's.  I had to stop Atkin's so I ended up putting almost all of it back on.  Now I'm down 23 pounds from where I was in 2008.  It took me 10 months to lose it before so I know it'll take time now.  Only this time I'm using workouts to help me tone while losing.  
Isn't it just crazy that fitting into a pair of pants a size lower makes me this happy?  I also get this happy when my husband says he adores me.  In the past I would have traded all my lost weight for a man who loves and adores me like he does. Fortunately, he loves me, adores me, encourages me to go to the gym and even pays for the trainer.  I feel that having a cheerleader and loving support is what matters most.  I think everyone should have a person in their corner cheering them on and celebrating every milestone.  
My daughters have been very sweet about telling me when they see my shape has changed and I look like I've lost some more weight.  I'd been very worried that my daughters would become overweight like me.  I didn't want them to be teased about their weight.  I was relieved when they didn't gain weight until after they got out of high school. They've lost it since then and look great.  High school was so hard for me.  I was teased and treated horribly by the boys.  For 30 years I hated one boy.  He never knew how badly his words hurt me.  He probably doesn't even remember me, but I never forgot him.  I swore that if I ever saw him again I'd go up to him, say "Fatso huh?" and punch him in the stomach.  Now if I were to see him, I'd probably ask how life had treated him.  I've grown and matured since those not so golden days of high school.  Happiness has to be grown within and shown by our actions.  Treat others the way you want to be treated really is how it should be!!
Thank You God for making me Perfectly in YOUR image!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Thursday I noticed my capri's that I bought roughly 3 weeks ago were really loose.  When I got home from work I tried on one of the pairs I had not fit into 2 weeks ago when I cleaned out my side of the closet.  I pulled them on, buttoned and zipped them. They FIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My weight has not dropped more than a few pounds, but my clothes fit looser.  I'd heard that muscle weighs more than fat, but I know a pound is a pound no matter what the form is. So the theory of fat takes up more space than muscle does fit.  
I'm very dedicated to working out while my trainer is gone this week. (Christine have some fun and I'll arm wrestle you on the 13th)
I had missed the feeling of muscles hurting after a workout, oh silly me.  I got that feeling back yesterday when my legs were hurting, but I know it's building more fat burning muscles. So..... Bring It On!
I have a lot more energy and stamina.  The true test will come when I go to San Francisco the end of the month.
I'm not eating as perfectly as I wish I was, but again it is all about moderation.  I don't totally throw out my meal plan every weekend I just limit my indulgences to a few things.
Do something for yourself today, whether it's a walk to enjoy the sunshine (it's actually nice here in MN), or a cup of tea on the patio, reading a book or the bible,  perhaps listening to your favorite music without distractions is more your style. 
Whatever you choose make it something special for yourself.  Everyone needs "ME" time. 

My Grandchildren with me at a Wedding reception 6/4/11